Ameboma simulating sigmoid colon carcinoma
ameboma, Entamoeba histolytica, sigmoid colon, colon carcinomaAbstract
A 14-year-old woman who developed diarrhea with blood and abdominal pain located in the lower left quadrant, intermittent, colic type. Unimportant background. She was found hypotensive, complaining, with increased bowel sounds, pain to palpation on the left flank and left iliac fossa. The imaging study suggested a sigmoid colon neoplasm that infiltrated the mesentery and free cavity liquid. Colonoscopy showed a proliferative, stenosing lesion and the surface with multiple ulcerations with fibrin attached. As pain increased, she underwent surgery as an acute abdomen. She had a sigmoidectomy plus end-to-end coloncolonic anastomosis. The histopathological study was consistent with sigmoid colon ameboma, with the presence of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites.